| Metadata for Rosenberg lab peer-reviewed publications (2008-present)[2021-2025] [2016-2020] [2011-2015] [2008-2010]
ML Morrison, KS Xue, NA Rosenberg (2025) Quantifying
compositional variability in microbial communities with
FAVA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
122: e2413211122.
EH Dickey, NA Rosenberg. Labeled histories with
multifurcation and simultaneity (2025) Philosophical Transactions of the
Royal Society B Biological Sciences 380: 20230307.
NA Rosenberg, T Stadler, M Steel (2025) "A mathematical theory
of evolution": phylogenetic models dating back 100 years.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B:
Biological Sciences 380: 20230297.
EE Armstrong*, JA Mooney*, KA Solari, BY Kim, GS Barsh, VB
Grant, G Greenbaum, CB Kaelin, K Panchenko, JK Pickrell, NA
Rosenberg, OA Ryder, T Yokoyama, U Ramakrishnan, DA Petrov, EA
Hadly (2024) Unraveling the genomic diversity and admixture history of captive
tigers in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences USA 121: e2402924121.
L Agranat-Tamir, M Fuchs, B Gittenberger, NA Rosenberg
(2024) Asymptotic enumeration of rooted binary unlabeled galled
trees with a fixed number of galls. In C. Mailler, S. Wild,
eds. Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on
Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the Analysis
of Algorithms (AofA 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in
Informatics (LIPIcs) 302: 27. Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz-Zentrum
für Informatik.
M Doboli, H-K Hwang, NA Rosenberg (2024) Periodic behavior of
the minimal Colijn-Plazzotta rank for trees with a fixed number of leaves.
In C. Mailler, S. Wild, eds. Proceedings of the 35th International
Conference on Probabilistic, Combinatorial and Asymptotic Methods for the
Analysis of Algorithms (AofA 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings
in Informatics (LIPIcs) 302: 18. Schloss Dagstuhl
Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.
L Agranat-Tamir, JA Mooney, NA Rosenberg (2024)
Counting the genetic ancestors from source populations in members of
an admixed population. Genetics 226: iyae011.
L Agranat-Tamir, S Mathur, NA Rosenberg (2024)
Enumeration of rooted binary unlabeled galled trees.
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 86: 45.
TD Gress, NA Rosenberg (2024). Mathematical constraints
on a family of biodiversity measures via connections with Rényi
entropy. BioSystems 237: 105153.
DJ Cotter, AL Severson, JTL Kang, HN
Godrej, S Carmi, NA Rosenberg (2024) Modeling the effects of
consanguinity on autosomal and X-chromosomal runs of homozygosity and
identity-by-descent sharing. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 14:
jkad264. [Abstract]
E Lappo, NA Rosenberg (2024). Solving the Arizona search
problem by imputation. iScience 27: 108831.
X Liu, NM Kopelman, NA Rosenberg (2024)
Clumppling: cluster matching and permutation program with integer linear
programming. Bioinformatics 40: btad751.
E Lappo, NA Rosenberg (2024) A lattice structure for
ancestral configurations arising from the relationship between gene trees
and species trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics 343: 65-81.
ARP Maranca, NA Rosenberg (2024) Bijections between the
multifurcating unlabeled rooted trees and the positive integers.
Advances in Applied Mathematics
153: 102612.
F Disanto, M Fuchs, C-Y Huang, AR Paningbatan, NA Rosenberg
(2024) The distributions under two species-tree models of the total
number of ancestral configurations for matching gene trees and
species trees. Advances in Applied Mathematics
152: 102594.
MC King, NA Rosenberg (2023) A mathematical connection between single-elimination sports tournaments and evolutionary trees.
Mathematics Magazine 96: 484-497.
X Liu, Z Ahsan, TK Martheswaran, NA
Rosenberg (2023) When is the allele-sharing dissimilarity between two
populations exceeded by the allele-sharing dissimilarity of a population
with itself? Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular
Biology 22: 2023004.
E Lappo, NA Rosenberg, MW Feldman (2023) Cultural
transmission of move choice in chess. Proceedings of the Royal `
Society B: Biological Sciences 290: 37964528.
J Kim, NA Rosenberg (2023) Record-matching of STR
profiles with fragmentary genomic SNP data. European Journal of Human
Genetics 31: 1283-1290.
ML Morrison, NA Rosenberg (2023) Mathematical bounds on
Shannon entropy given the abundance of the ith most abundant
taxon. Journal of Mathematical Biology 87: 76.
X Liu, NM Kopelman, NA Rosenberg (2023) A
Dirichlet model of alignment cost in mixed-membership unsupervised
clustering. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
32: 1145-1159.
JA Mooney, L Agranat-Tamir, JK Pritchard, NA
Rosenberg (2023) On the number of genealogical ancestors tracing to
the source groups of an admixed population. Genetics
224: iyad079.
R Laurent, ZA Szpiech, SS da Cosa, V Thouzeau, CA Fortes-Lima, F
Dessarps-Freichey, L Lémée, J Utgé, NA Rosenberg, M
Baptista, P Verdu (2023) A genetic and linguistic analysis of the
admixture histories of the islands of Cabo Verde. eLife 12: e79827.
DJ Cotter, EF Hofgard, J Novembre, ZA Szpiech, NA
Rosenberg (2023) A rarefaction approach for measuring population
differences in rare and common variation. Genetics 224: iyad070.
S Mathur, NA Rosenberg (2023) All galls are divided into
three or more parts: recursive enumeration of labeled histories for
galled trees. Algorithms for Molecular Biology 18:1.
F Disanto, M Fuchs, AR Paningbatan, NA Rosenberg (2022)
The distributions under two species-tree models of the number of root
ancestral configurations for matching gene trees and species
trees. Annals of Applied Probability 32: 4426-4458.
E Lappo, NA Rosenberg (2022) Approximations to the
expectations and variances of ratios of tree properties under the
coalescent. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 12: jkac205.
NA Rosenberg (2022) Mendel of mathematics. Notices of the
American Mathematical Society 69: 1564-1565.
ML Morrison, N Alcala, NA Rosenberg (2022)
FSTruct: an FST-based tool for measuring ancestry
variation in inference of population structure. Molecular Ecology
Resources 22: 2614-2626.
DJ Cotter, AL Severson, S Carmi, NA Rosenberg
(2022) Limiting distribution of X-chromosomal coalescence times under
first-cousin consanguineous mating. Theoretical Population
Biology 147: 1-15.
RS Mehta, M Steel, NA Rosenberg (2022) The probability of
joint monophyly of samples of gene lineages for all species in an
arbitrary species tree. Journal of Computational Biology 27: 679-703.
X Liu, NA Rosenberg, G Greenbaum (2022) Extracting
hierarchical features of cultural variation using network-based
clustering. Evolutionary Human Sciences 4: e18.
[Supplementary code]
[Supplementary data]
JA Palacios, A Bhaskar, F Disanto, NA Rosenberg (2022)
Enumeration of binary trees compatible with a perfect
phylogeny. Journal of Mathematical Biology 84: 54.
N Alcala, NA Rosenberg (2022) Mathematical constraints on
FST: multiallelic markers in arbitrarily many
populations. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B:
Biological Sciences 377: 20200414.
MD Edge, S Ramachandran, NA Rosenberg (2022) Celebrating
50 years since Lewontin's apportionment of human
diversity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London
B: Biological Sciences 377: 20200405.
AL Severson, BF Byrd, EK Mallott, AC Owings, M DeGiorgio,
A de Flamingh, C, Nijmeh, MV Arellano, A Leventhal, NA
Rosenberg, RS Malhi (2022) Ancient and modern genomics of the
Ohlone Indigenous population of California. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences USA 119: e2111533119.
E Alimpiev, NA Rosenberg (2022) A compendium of
covariances and correlation coefficients of coalescent tree
properties. Theoretical Population Biology 143: 1-13.
MC King, NA Rosenberg A simple derivation of the mean of
the Sackin index of tree balance under the uniform model on rooted
binary labeled trees. Mathematical Biosciences 342: 108688
E Alimpiev, NA Rosenberg Enumeration of coalescent
histories for caterpillar species trees and p-pseudocaterpillar
gene trees. Advances in Applied Mathematics 131: 102265 (2021).
DJ Cotter, AL Severson, NA Rosenberg
The effect of consanguinity on coalescence times on the X chromosome.
Theoretical Population Biology 140: 32-43 (2021).
AL Severson, S Carmi, NA Rosenberg (2021) Variance and
limiting distribution of coalescence times in a diploid model of a
consanguineous population. Theoretical Population Biology 139: 50-65.
J Kim, MD Edge, A Goldberg, NA Rosenberg
(2021) Skin deep: the decoupling of genetic admixture levels from
phenotypes that differed between source populations. American
Journal of Physical Anthropology 175: 406-421 (2021).
G Greenbaum, MW Feldman, NA Rosenberg, J
Kim (2021) Designing gene drives to limit spillover to non-target
populations. PLoS Genetics 17: e1009278.
A Harpak, N Garud, NA Rosenberg, DA Petrov, M Combs,
PS Pennings, J Munshi-South (2021) Genetic adaptation in New York City
rats. Genome Biology and Evolution 13: evaa247.
NA Rosenberg (2021) On the Colijn-Plazzotta numbering scheme for
unlabeled binary rooted trees. Discrete Applied Mathematics
88-98. [Abstract]
NA Rosenberg (2020) A population-genetic perspective on the
similarities and differences among worldwide human
populations. Human
Biology 92: 135-152.
SM Boca, L Huang, NA Rosenberg (2020) On the
heterozygosity of an admixed population. Journal of Mathematical
Biology 81: 1217-1250.
J Kim, NA Rosenberg, JA Palacios (2020) Distance metrics
for ranked evolutionary trees. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences 117: 28876-28886.
AL Fortier, J Kim, NA Rosenberg (2020) Human-genetic
ancestry inference and false positives in forensic familial
searching. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 10: 2893-2902.
A Goldberg, A Rastogi, NA Rosenberg (2020)
Assortative mating by population of origin in a mechanistic model of
admixture. Theoretical Population Biology
134: 129-146.
RS Mehta, NA Rosenberg (2020) Modelling anti-vaccine
sentiment as a cultural pathogen. Evolutionary Human
Sciences 2: e21.
IM Arbisser, NA Rosenberg
(2020) FST and the triangle inequality for
biallelic markers. Theoretical Population Biology 133:
NM Kopelman, L Stone, DG Hernandez, D Gefel, AB Singleton, E
Heyer, MW Feldman, J Hillel, NA Rosenberg (2020) High-resolution
inference of genetic relationships among Jewish
populations. European Journal of Human Genetics 28: 804-814.
A Kim, NA Rosenberg, JH Degnan (2020) Probabilities
of unranked and ranked anomaly zones under birth-death models.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 37: 1480-1494.
NA Rosenberg, DM Zulman (2020) Measures of care fragmentation:
mathematical insights from population genetics.
Health Services Research 55: 318-327.
ZM Himwich, NA Rosenberg (2020) Roadblocked monotonic
paths and the enumeration of coalescent histories for non-matching
caterpillar gene trees and species trees. Advances in Applied
Mathematics 113: 101939.
JTL Kang, NA Rosenberg (2019) Mathematical properties
of linkage disequilibrium statistics defined by normalization of the
Human Heredity 84:
127-143. [Abstract]
G Greenbaum, A Rubin, AR Templeton, NA
Rosenberg (2019) Network-based hierarchical population structure
analysis for large genomic datasets. Genome Research 29: 2020-2033.
G Greenbaum, WM Getz, NA Rosenberg, MW Feldman, E Hovers, O
Kolodny (2019) Disease transmission and introgression can explain the
long-lasting contact zone of modern humans and Neanderthals. Nature
Communications 10: 5003.
RS Mehta, NA Rosenberg (2019) The probability of
reciprocal monophyly of gene lineages in three and four
species. Theoretical Population Biology
129: 133-147.
N Alcala, A Goldberg, U Ramakrishnan, NA Rosenberg
(2019) Coalescent theory of migration network motifs. Molecular
Biology and Evolution 36: 2358-2374.
RS Mehta, AF Feder, SM Boca, NA Rosenberg (2019) The
relationship between haplotype-based FST and
haplotype length. Genetics 213: 281-295.
Figure 1]
N Alcala, AE Launer, MF Westphal, R Seymour, EM Cole*, NA
Rosenberg* (2019) Use of stochastic patch occupancy models in the
California red-legged frog for Bayesian inference regarding past events
and future persistence. Conservation Biology 33: 685-696.
and Software]
AL Severson, S Carmi, NA Rosenberg (2019)
The effect of consanguinity on between-individual identity-by-descent
sharing. Genetics 212: 305-316.
N Alcala, NA Rosenberg
(2019) G'ST, Jost's D,
and FST are similarly constrained by allele
frequencies: a mathematical, simulation, and empirical
study. Molecular Ecology 28: 1624-1636.
F Disanto, NA Rosenberg (2019) Enumeration of compact
coalescent histories for matching gene trees and species
trees. Journal of Mathematical Biology 78: 155-188.
NA Rosenberg, MD Edge, JK Pritchard, MW Feldman (2019)
Interpreting polygenic scores, polygenic adaptation, and human phenotypic
differences. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 2019: 26-34.
J Kim, F Disanto, NM Kopelman, NA
Rosenberg (2019) Mathematical and simulation-based analysis of the
behavior of admixed taxa in the neighbor-joining
algorithm. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
81: 452-493.
F Disanto, NA Rosenberg (2019) On the number of
non-equivalent ancestral configurations for matching gene trees and
species trees. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 81: 384-407.
NA Rosenberg (2019) Enumeration of lonely pairs of gene trees
and species trees by means of antipodal cherries. Advances in
Applied Mathematics 102:
1-17. [Abstract]
J Kim, MD Edge, BFB Algee-Hewitt, JZ Li, NA
Rosenberg (2018) Statistical detection of relatives typed with
disjoint forensic and biomedical loci. Cell 175: 848-858.
AJ Aw, NA Rosenberg (2018) Bounding measures of
genetic similarity and diversity using majorization. Journal of
Mathematical Biology 77: 711-737.
A Goldberg, LH Uricchio, NA Rosenberg (2018)
Natural selection in human populations. Oxford Bibliographies in
Evolutionary Biology doi:10.1093/OBO/9780199941728-0112.
NA Rosenberg (2018) Variance-partitioning and classification in
human population genetics. In RG Winther, ed. Phylogenetic
Inference, Selection Theory, and History of Science: Selected Papers of
A. W. F. Edwards with Commentaries, pp. 399-403. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
TJ Pemberton*, P Verdu*, NS Becker, CJ Willer, BS
Hewlett, S Le Bomin, A Froment, NA Rosenberg, E Heyer (2018) A
genome scan for genes underlying adult body size differences between
Central African hunter-gatherers and farmers. Human Genetics 137:
487-509. [Abstract]
IM Arbisser, EM Jewett, NA Rosenberg (2018) On the
joint distribution of tree height and tree length under the
coalescent. Theoretical Population Biology 122: 46-56.
F Disanto, NA Rosenberg (2017) Enumeration of ancestral
configurations for matching gene trees and species trees. Journal of
Computational Biology 24: 831-850.
P Verdu*, EM Jewett*, TJ Pemberton, NA
Rosenberg, M Baptista (2017) Parallel trajectories of genetic and
linguistic admixture in a genetically admixed creole
population. Current Biology 27: 2529-2535.
OK Kamneva, J Syring, A Liston, NA Rosenberg (2017)
Evaluating allopolyploid origins in strawberries (Fragaria)
using haplotypes generated from target capture sequencing. BMC
Evolutionary Biology 17: 180.
S1 Table S1]
S2 Sequences]
S3 Table S2]
S4 Figures S1-S11]
S5 Table S3]
S6 R code]
N Alcala, NA Rosenberg (2017) Mathematical constraints
on FST: biallelic markers in arbitrarily many
Genetics 206: 1581-1600.
MD Edge, BFB Algee-Hewitt, TJ Pemberton, JZ
Li, NA Rosenberg (2017) Linkage disequilibrium matches forensic
genetic records to disjoint genomic marker sets.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114:
A Goldberg, T Günther, NA Rosenberg, M Jakobsson
(2017). Robust model-based inference of male-biased admixture during
Bronze Age migration from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 114:
E3875-E3877. [PDF]
A Goldberg, T Günther, NA Rosenberg, M Jakobsson
(2017) Ancient X chromosomes reveal contrasting sex bias in Neolithic
and Bronze Age migrations. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences USA 114: 2657-2662.
OK Kamneva, NA Rosenberg (2017) Simulation-based
evaluation of hybridization network reconstruction methods in the presence
of incomplete lineage sorting. Evolutionary Bioinformatics 13:
JTL Kang, A Goldberg, MD Edge, DM Behar, NA
Rosenberg (2016) Consanguinity rates predict long runs of
homozygosity in Jewish populations. Human Heredity 82: 87-102.
LH Uricchio, T Warnow, NA Rosenberg (2016) An analytical
upper bound on the number of loci required for all splits of a species
tree to appear in a set of gene trees. BMC Bioinformatics 17:
F Disanto, NA Rosenberg (2016)
Asymptotic properties of the number of matching coalescent histories for
caterpillar-like families of species
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
13: 913-925.
RS Mehta, D Bryant, NA Rosenberg (2016) The probability
of monophyly of a sample of gene lineages on a species
tree. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113: 8002-8009.
T Stadler, JH Degnan, NA Rosenberg (2016) Does gene tree
discordance explain the mismatch between macroevolutionary models and
empirical patterns of tree shape and branching times?
Systematic Biology 65: 628-639.
M DeGiorgio, NA Rosenberg (2016) Consistency and
inconsistency of consensus methods for inferring species trees from gene
trees in the presence of ancestral population structure.
Theoretical Population Biology 110: 12-24.
BFB Algee-Hewitt*, MD Edge*, J Kim, JZ Li, NA
Rosenberg (2016) Individual identifiability predicts population
identifiability in forensic microsatellite markers. Current
Biology 26: 935-942. [Abstract]
NA Rosenberg (2016) Admixture models and the breeding systems of
H. S. Jennings: a GENETICS connection. Genetics 202:
MD Edge, NA Rosenberg (2015) A general model of the
relationship between the apportionment of human genetic diversity and
the apportionment of human phenotypic diversity. Human Biology
87: 313-337.
JTL Kang, P Zhang, S Zöllner, NA Rosenberg (2015)
Choosing subsamples for sequencing studies by minimizing the average distance
to the closest leaf. Genetics 201: 499-511.
F Disanto, NA Rosenberg (2015) Coalescent histories for
lodgepole species trees. Journal of Computational Biology 22:
R Ronen*, G Tesler*, A Akbari*, S Zakov, NA Rosenberg, V Bafna
(2015) Predicting carriers of ongoing selective sweeps without knowledge
of the favored allele. PLoS Genetics 11: e1005527.
A Goldberg, NA Rosenberg (2015) Beyond 2/3 and 1/3: the
complex signatures of sex-biased admixture on the X
chromosome. Genetics 201: 263-279.
NA Rosenberg, JTL Kang (2015) Genetic diversity and
societally important disparities. Genetics 201: 1-12.
NM Kopelman, J Mayzel, M Jakobsson, NA Rosenberg,
I Mayrose (2015) CLUMPAK: a program for identifying clustering modes and
packaging population structure inferences
across K. Molecular Ecology Resources 15: 1179-1191.
MD Edge, NA Rosenberg (2015) Implications of the
apportionment of human genetic diversity for the apportionment of human
phenotypic diversity. Studies in History and Philosophy of
Biological and Biomedical Sciences 52: 32-45.
NR Garud, NA Rosenberg (2015) Enhancing the mathematical
properties of new haplotype homozygosity statistics for the detection of
selective sweeps. Theoretical Population Biology 102: 94-101.
N Creanza, M Ruhlen, T Pemberton, NA Rosenberg, MW
Feldman, S Ramachandran (2015) Comparison of worldwide phonemic and
genetic variation in human populations. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences USA 112: 1265-1272.
Data S1]
Data S2]
Data S3]
EO Buzbas, NA Rosenberg (2015) AABC: approximate
approximate Bayesian computation for inference in population-genetic
Theoretical Population Biology 99: 31-42.
F Disanto, NA Rosenberg (2014) On the number of ranked
species trees producing anomalous ranked gene trees. IEEE/ACM
Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 11: 1229-1238.
A Goldberg, P Verdu, NA Rosenberg (2014) Autosomal
admixture levels are informative about sex bias in admixed populations.
Genetics 198: 1209-1229.
MD Edge, NA Rosenberg (2014) Upper bounds
on FST in terms of the frequency of the most
frequent allele and total homozygosity: the case of a specified number
of alleles. Theoretical Population Biology 97: 20-34.
P Verdu, TJ Pemberton, R Laurent, BM Kemp, A
C Gorodezky, CE Hughes, MR Shattuck, B Petzelt, J Mitchell, H Harry, T
William, R Worl, JS Cybulski, NA Rosenberg, RS
Malhi (2014) Patterns of admixture and population structure in native
populations of northwest North America. PLoS Genetics 10:
TJ Pemberton, NA Rosenberg (2014) Population-genetic
influences on genomic estimates of the inbreeding coefficient: a global
perspective. Human Heredity 77: 37-48.
Figure 1]
Figure 2]
Table 2]
Table 3]
CV Than, NA Rosenberg (2014) Mean deep coalescence cost
under exchangeable probability distributions. Discrete Applied
Mathematics 174: 11-26.
M DeGiorgio, J Syring, AJ Eckert, AI Liston, R Cronn, DB
Neale, NA Rosenberg (2014) An empirical evaluation of two-stage
species tree inference strategies using a multilocus dataset from North
American pines. BMC Evolutionary Biology 14: 67.
File 1 (.xlsx, accession numbers)]
File 2 (.pdf, supplementary analyses)]
File 3 (.zip, data)]
EM Jewett, NA Rosenberg (2014) Theory and
applications of a deterministic approximation to the coalescent
model. Theoretical Population Biology 93: 14-29.
DM Behar*, M Metspalu*, Y Baran, NM Kopelman, B Yunusbayev, A
Gladstein, S Tzur, H Sahakyan, A Bahmanimehr, L Yepiskoposyan, K Tambets,
EK Khusnutdinova, A Kushniarevich, O Balanovsky, E Balanovsky, L
Kovacevic, D Marjanovic, E Mihailov, A Kouvatsi, C Triantaphyllidis, RJ
King, O Semino, A Torroni, MF Hammer, E Metspalu, K Skorecki, S Rosset, E
Halperin, R Villems, NA Rosenberg (2013) No evidence from
genome-wide data of a Khazar origin for the Ashkenazi Jews. Human
Biology 85: 859-900.
PJ Oefner, G Hölzl, P Shen, I Shpirer, D Gefel, T Lavi, E Woolf, J
Cohen, C Cinnioglu, PA Underhill, NA Rosenberg, J Hochrein, JM
Granka, J Hillel, MW Feldman (2013) Genetics and the history of the
Samaritans: Y-chromosomal microsatellites and genetic affinity between
Samaritans and Cohanim. Human Biology 85: 825-857.
NA Rosenberg (2013) Coalescent histories for caterpillar-like
families. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and
Bioinformatics 10: 1253-1262. [Abstract]
MD Edge, P Gorroochurn, NA Rosenberg (2013) Windfalls and
pitfalls: applications of population genetics to the search for disease
genes. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health 2013: 254-272.
at journal website]
NA Rosenberg (2013) Discordance of species trees with their most
likely gene trees: a unifying principle. Molecular Biology and
Evolution 30: 2709-2713.
at journal website]
P Zhang, X Zhan, NA Rosenberg, S Zöllner (2013) Genotype
imputation reference panel selection using maximal phylogenetic
diversity. Genetics 195: 319-330.
NA Rosenberg, TJ Pemberton, JZ Li, JW Belmont (2013) Runs
of homozygosity and parental relatedness. Genetics in Medicine
15: 753-754. [PDF]
L Huang, EO Buzbas, NA Rosenberg (2013) Genotype
imputation in a coalescent model with infinitely-many-sites mutation.
Theoretical Population Biology 87: 62-74.
ZA Szpiech, J Xu, TJ Pemberton, W Peng, S
Zöllner, NA Rosenberg, JZ Li (2013) Long runs of homozygosity
are enriched for deleterious variation. American Journal of Human
Genetics 93: 90-102.
TJ Pemberton, M DeGiorgio, NA Rosenberg (2013)
Population structure in a comprehensive data set on human microsatellite
variation. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 3: 891-907.
[Full-text at
journal website]
(.zip) - File S1]
CV Than, NA Rosenberg (2013) Mathematical properties of
the deep coalescence cost. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational
Biology and Bioinformatics 10: 61-72.
M Jakobsson, MD Edge, NA Rosenberg (2013) The
relationship between FST and the frequency of the
most frequent allele.
Genetics 193: 515-528.
M DeGiorgio, NA Rosenberg (2013) Geographic sampling
scheme as a determinant of the major axis of genetic variation in
principal components analysis. Molecular Biology and Evolution
480-488. [Abstract]
NM Kopelman, L Stone, O Gascuel, NA Rosenberg (2013) The
behavior of admixed populations in neighbor-joining inference of
population trees. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 18:
273-284. [Abstract]
JH Degnan, NA Rosenberg, T Stadler (2012) A characterization
of the set of species trees that produce anomalous ranked gene trees.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
9: 1558-1568.
EO Buzbas (2012) On the article titled "Estimating species trees
using approximate Bayesian computation" (Fan and Kubatko, Molecular
Phylogenetics and Evolution 59:354-363). Molecular
Phylogenetics and Evolution 65: 1014-1016 (2012).
C Wang, KB Schroeder, NA Rosenberg (2012) A
maximum-likelihood method to correct for allelic dropout in microsatellite
data with no replicate genotypes. Genetics 192: 651-669.
[Full-text at
journal website]
C Wang, S Zöllner, NA Rosenberg (2012) A quantitative
comparison of the similarity between genes and geography in worldwide
human populations. PLoS Genetics 8: e1002886.
at journal website]
TJ Pemberton, F-Y Li, EK Hanson, NU Mehta, S Choi, J Ballantyne,
JW Belmont, NA Rosenberg, C Tyler-Smith, PI Patel (2012) Impact of
restricted marital practices on genetic variation in an endogamous
Gujarati group. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 149:
92-103. [Abstract]
[Supplement (.docx)]
EM Jewett*, M Zawistowski*, NA Rosenberg, S Zöllner
(2012) A coalescent model for genotype imputation.
Genetics 191:
1239-1255. [Abstract]
TJ Pemberton, D Absher, MW Feldman, RM Myers, NA
Rosenberg, JZ Li (2012) Genomic patterns of homozygosity in worldwide
human populations. American Journal of Human Genetics 91:
275-292. [Abstract]
[Main Supplement]
Table 2 (.zip)]
Table 3 (.zip)]
Table 4 (.zip)]
Table 5 (.zip)]
D Bryant, R Bouckaert, J Felsenstein, NA Rosenberg, A
RoyChoudhury (2012) Inferring species trees directly from biallelic
genetic markers: bypassing gene trees in a full coalescent analysis.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 29: 1917-1932.
LJ Helmkamp, EM Jewett, NA Rosenberg (2012)
Improvements to a class of distance matrix methods for inferring species
trees from gene trees. Journal of Computational Biology 19:
EM Jewett, NA Rosenberg (2012) iGLASS: an improvement to
the GLASS method for estimating species trees from gene
trees. Journal of Computational Biology 19: 293-315.
SB Reddy, NA Rosenberg (2012) Refining the relationship
between homozygosity and the frequency of the most frequent
allele. Journal of Mathematical Biology 64: 87-108.
FA San Lucas, NA Rosenberg, P Scheet (2012) Haploscope: a tool
for the graphical display of haplotype structure in
populations. Genetic Epidemiology 35: 17-21.
JH Degnan, NA Rosenberg, T Stadler (2012) The probability
distribution of ranked gene trees on a species tree.
Mathematical Biosciences 235:
45-55. [Abstract]
NA Rosenberg (2011) A population-genetic perspective on the
similarities and differences among worldwide human populations. Human
Biology 83: 659-684.
L Huang*, M Jakobsson*, TJ Pemberton, M Ibrahim, T
Nyambo, S Omar, JK Pritchard, SA Tishkoff, NA Rosenberg (2011)
Haplotype variation and genotype imputation in African populations.
Genetic Epidemiology 35: 766-780.
P Verdu, NA Rosenberg (2011) A general mechanistic model
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Figure 1]
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S Ramachandran, NA Rosenberg (2011) A test of the influence
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Figure 2]
M DeGiorgio, JH Degnan, NA Rosenberg (2011)
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evolutionary history. Genetics 189: 579-593.
SM Boca, NA Rosenberg (2011) Mathematical properties of
Fst between admixed populations and their parental
source populations. Theoretical Population Biology 80: 208-216.
ZA Szpiech, NA Rosenberg (2011) On the size
distribution of private microsatellite alleles. Theoretical
Population Biology 80: 100-113.
Z Yang, M Rosenthal, NA Rosenberg, S Talarico, L Zhang, C
Marrs, VO Thomsen, T Lillebaek, AB Andersen (2011) How dormant is
Mycobacterium tuberculosis during latency? A study
integrating genomics and molecular epidemiology.
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 11: 1164-1167.
EO Buzbas, P Joyce, NA Rosenberg (2011) Inference on
the strength of balancing selection for epistatically interacting
loci. Theoretical Population Biology 79: 102-113.
CV Than, NA Rosenberg (2011) Consistency properties
of species tree inference by minimizing deep coalescences.
Journal of Computational Biology 18: 1-15.
M DeGiorgio*, I Jankovic*, NA Rosenberg (2010)
Unbiased estimation of gene diversity in samples containing related
individuals: exact variance and arbitrary ploidy. Genetics
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TJ Pemberton, C Wang, JZ Li, NA Rosenberg
(2010) Inference of unexpected genetic relatedness among individuals
in HapMap Phase III. American Journal of Human Genetics 87: 457-464.
E Borràs*, M Pineda*, I Blanco, EM Jewett, F Wang, A
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Brunet, J Balmaña, A Torres, T Ramón y Cajal, J Sanz, L
Pérez-Cabornero, S Castellví-Bel, A Alonso, A Lanas, S
González, V Moreno, SB Gruber, NA Rosenberg, B Mukherjee, C
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with moderate penetrance in Spanish Lynch syndrome families. Cancer
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Figure 1]
Table 1]
Table 2]
I Jankovic, BM vonHoldt, NA Rosenberg (2010)
Heterozygosity of the Yellowstone wolves. Molecular Ecology
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NA Rosenberg, L Huang*, EM Jewett*, ZA
Szpiech*, I Jankovic*, M Boehnke (2010) Genome-wide
association studies in diverse populations. Nature Reviews
Genetics 11: 356-366. [Abstract]
NA Rosenberg, JH Degnan (2010) Coalescent histories
for discordant gene trees and species trees. Theoretical
Population Biology 77: 145-151. [Abstract]
M DeGiorgio, JH Degnan (2010) Fast and consistent
estimation of species trees using supermatrix rooted triples.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 27: 552-569.
C Wang, ZA Szpiech, JH Degnan,
M Jakobsson, TJ Pemberton, JA Hardy, AB Singleton, NA
Rosenberg (2010) Comparing spatial maps of human population-genetic
variation using Procrustes analysis. Statistical Applications in
Genetics and Molecular Biology 9: 13.
JT Mosher, TJ Pemberton, K Harter, C Wang,
EO Buzbas, P Dvorak, C Simon, SJ Morrison, NA Rosenberg
(2010) Lack of population diversity in commonly used human embryonic
stem-cell lines. New England Journal of Medicine 362: 183-185.
TJ Pemberton, CI Sandefur, M Jakobsson, NA
Rosenberg (2009) Sequence determinants of human microsatellite
variability. BMC Genomics 10: 612. [Abstract] [Full-text at
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NM Kopelman, L Stone, C Wang, D Gefel, MW Feldman, J
Hillel, NA Rosenberg (2009) Genomic microsatellites identify
shared Jewish ancestry intermediate between Middle Eastern and
European populations. BMC Genetics 10: 80. [Abstract] [Full-text at
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L Huang, C Wang, NA Rosenberg (2009) The
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association studies in diverse populations. American Journal of
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M DeGiorgio, M Jakobsson, NA Rosenberg (2009)
Explaining worldwide patterns of human genetic variation using a
coalescent-based serial founder model of migration outward from
Africa. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
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NA Rosenberg, JM VanLiere (2009) Replication of
genetic associations as pseudoreplication due to shared
genealogy. Genetic Epidemiology 33: 479-487.
JH Degnan, M DeGiorgio, D Bryant, NA Rosenberg
(2009) Properties of consensus methods for inferring species trees
from gene trees. Systematic Biology 58: 35-54.
JH Degnan, NA Rosenberg (2009) Gene tree discordance,
phylogenetic inference, and the multispecies coalescent. Trends in
Ecology and Evolution 24: 332-340. [Abstract] [PDF] [Supplement]
KB Schroeder, M Jakobsson, MH Crawford, TG Schurr, SM Boca,
DF Conrad, RY Tito, LP Osipova, LA Tarskaia, SI Zhadanov, JD Wall, JK
Pritchard, RS Malhi, DG Smith, NA Rosenberg (2009) Haplotypic
background of a private allele at high frequency in the
Americas. Molecular Biology and Evolution 26: 995-1016.
M DeGiorgio, NA Rosenberg (2009) An unbiased estimator of
gene diversity in samples containing related individuals.
Molecular Biology and Evolution 26: 501-512.
L Huang, Y Li, AB Singleton, JA Hardy, G Abecasis, NA
Rosenberg, P Scheet (2009) Genotype-imputation accuracy
across worldwide human populations. American Journal of Human
Genetics 84: 235-250. [Abstract]
S Ramachandran, NA Rosenberg, MW Feldman, J Wakeley (2008)
Population differentiation and migration: coalescence times in a
two-sex island model for autosomal and X-linked loci. Theoretical
Population Biology 74: 291-301. [Abstract] [PDF]
ZA Szpiech, M Jakobsson, NA Rosenberg (2008)
ADZE: a rarefaction approach for counting alleles private to
combinations of populations. Bioinformatics 24:
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text at journal website] [PDF]
NA Rosenberg, M Jakobsson (2008) The relationship
between homozygosity and the frequency of the most frequent
allele. Genetics 179: 2027-2036. [Abstract] [PDF]
JM VanLiere, NA Rosenberg (2008) Mathematical
properties of the r2 measure of linkage disequilibrium.
Theoretical Population Biology 74: 130-137. [Abstract] [PDF]
TJ Pemberton*, M Jakobsson*, DF Conrad, G Coop, JD
Wall, JK Pritchard, PI Patel, NA Rosenberg (2008) Using
population mixtures to optimize the utility of genomic databases:
linkage disequilibrium and association study design in
India. Annals of Human Genetics 72: 535-546. [Abstract] [PDF] [Data]
O François, MGB Blum, M Jakobsson, NA Rosenberg
(2008) Demographic history of European populations of Arabidopsis
thaliana. PLoS Genetics 4: e1000075. [Abstract] [Full
text at journal website] [PDF] [Supplement]
JM Macpherson, J Gonzalez, DM Witten, JC Davis, NA
Rosenberg, AE Hirsh, DA Petrov (2008) Nonadaptive explanations for
signatures of partial selective sweeps in Drosophila. Molecular
Biology and Evolution 25: 1025-1042. [Abstract] [PDF]
NA Rosenberg, R Tao (2008) Discordance of species trees
with their most likely gene trees: the case of five taxa. Systematic
Biology 57:
131-140. [Abstract]
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M Jakobsson*, SW Scholz*, P Scheet*, JR Gibbs, JM
VanLiere, H-C Fung, ZA Szpiech, JH Degnan, K Wang, R
Guerreiro, JM Bras, JC Schymick, DG Hernandez, BJ Traynor, J
Simon-Sanchez, M Matarin, A Britton, J van de Leemput, I Rafferty, M
Bucan, HM Cann, JA Hardy, NA Rosenberg, AB Singleton (2008)
Genotype, haplotype and copy-number variation in worldwide human
populations. Nature 451: 998-1003. [Abstract] [PDF] [Supplement]