| Rosenberg lab research topics 2005-presentClassified by biological topicsCultural evolution [219] [205] [183] [125]Gene genealogies, the coalescent, and evolutionary trees Allele and haplotype frequencies [134] [61] [57] [49] Ancestral configurations [223] [222] [211] [161] [152] Coalescence times [227] [210] [207] [198] [195] [194] [170] [166] [154] [100] [89] [88] [80] Coalescent histories [196] [176] [164] [160] [142] [135] [111] [68] [41] Coalescent simulation [154] [140] [100] [89] [88] [72] [61] [60] [57] [48] [45] [42] Consistency of species tree inference [139] [117] [109] [97] [85] [75] [67] [59] [47] [30] Deep coalescence cost [118] [117] [103] [75] Divergence model [106] [92] [89] [88] [78] [39] [36] Galled trees [232] [229] [212] Hybridization [150] [144] Inference [90] Labeled histories (see ranked labeled trees) Labeled topologies (or unranked labeled trees) [204] Migration [170] Monophyly, paraphyly, polyphyly [206] [172] [141] Multispecies coalescent [206] [179] [172] [143] [141] [140] [109] [97] [96] [90] [89] [88] [85] [75] [59] [58] [47] [30] Neighbor-joining [162] [117] [99] Number of lineages [230] [215] [116] [42] Perfect phylogenies [204] Phylogenetic diversity [136] [108] Ranked labeled trees [237] [221] [212] [211] [204] [123] [117] [97] [85] Ranked unlabeled trees (or Tajima trees) [204] [186] Rooted triples [139] [117] [67] [59] Splits [143] Tree metrics [186] Tree shape [197] [189] [118] [117] [103] [39] [36] [32] [29] Unlabeled topologies (or unranked unlabeled trees) [223] [204] [189] X and autosomes [227] [207] [195] [54] Human population-genetic variation Admixed populations [230] [215] [214] [208] [187] [184] [151] [147] [146] [137] [133] [124] [122] [120] [99] [82] [79] Ancient DNA [208] [200] [147] [146] Balancing selection [157] [124] [76] Community resources HapMap [91] [73] [55] [50] [34] [HGDP-CEPH panel [188] [185] [174] [169] [158] [149] [148] [138] [105] [104] [94] [91] [84] [78] [74] [64] [61] [46] [34] [28] [26] 1000 Genomes [213] Consanguinity [227] [144] [119] Forensic genetics [218] [185] [159] [148] [138] Groups of populations Africa [102] [83] African Americans [230] [215] [133] Cape Verde [214] [208] [151] Europe [147] [146] India [93] [50] [35] Jewish [227] [180] [166] [144] [114] [113] [112] [63] Native Americans [200] [120] [95] [81] [71] [57] [44] [37] Worldwide [213] [188] [174] [138] [125] [105] [104] [94] [91] [84] [78] [74] [66] [64] [61] [46] [34] [28] [26] Identity by descent [227] [207] [195] [194] [166] [114] Languages and genes [214] [151] [125] [44] Neanderthal admixture [173] [61] [42] Out of Africa [188] [131] [119] [105] [104] [91] [84] [83] [80] [78] [61] [53] [34] [26] Population structure [208] [203] [188] [185] [180] [174] [170] [165] [156] [149] [138] [132] [129] [114] [104] [102] [91] [84] [81] [73] [66] [63] [46] [44] [35] [28] [26] Quantitative genetics [163] [132] [129] Runs of homozygosity [227] [194] [166] [144] [107] [105] [91] Selective sweeps; natural selection [163] [157] [134] [127] Serial founder model [188] [105] [104] [91] [84] [80] [61] [46] [26] Spatial variation [125] [114] [104] [100] [94] [91] [81] [66] [61] [46] [28] [26] Types of variation Copy-number [66] [46] Exomes [105] Genomes [213] Haplotypes [169] [127] [86] [83] [57] [46] [34] Idiolectal [214] [151] Microsatellites [218] [203] [188] [187] [185] [159] [158] [148] [138] [125] [113] [104] [95] [93] [84] [81] [78] [74] [64] [63] [57] [44] [37] [35] [28] [26] Next-generation sequence [200] [150] Phenotypic [163] [132] [129] Phonemes [125] SNPs [218] [214] [182] [180] [175] [174] [166] [165] [159] [151] [149] [148] [120] [114] [94] [91] [73] [65] [50] [46] [34] X chromosome [227] [207] [195] [184] [147] [146] [137] [133] [74] [54] Y chromosome [113] [93] Mathematical epidemiology models [201] [183] [173] Molecular ecology, genetic variation, and population biology in non-human organisms Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) [165] Arabidopsis thaliana [174] [49] California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii) [167] Carp [38] Chimpanzees [203] Drosophila [127] Gut microbiomes [238] Maize [172] [141] New Zealand native foxglove (Ourisia) [90] North American pines [117] North American wolves [165] [70] Rats [190] Sky island birds of genus Sholicola [170] Strawberries (Fragaria) [150] Tigers [234] [170] Population genetics of human disease-gene mapping Diverse populations [131] [69] Genome-wide association [131] [110] [69] [62] [55] Genotype imputation [226] [136] [110] [108] [106] [95] [92] [91] [83] [62] [55] Polygenic scores [163] Population structure [110] [31] Rare recessive diseases [105] [91] Replication [110] [60] Tag SNPs [110] [51] [50] [34] Theoretical population genetics and population genetics concepts Admixture [216] [193] [187] [184] [162] [151] [137] [133] [122] [99] [82] [79] Allele age [72] [57] Allele-sharing dissimilarities [220] Ancestral lineages [91] [90] [42] [39] Assortative mating [193] [184] Frequency of the most frequent allele [203] [169] [165] [149] [127] [102] [87] [52] Gene drives [192] Gene duplication [45] Heterozygosity and homozygosity [187] [178] [158] [138] [127] [102] [87] [80] [74] [70] [61] [56] [52] [46] Inbreeding [144] [137] [119] [95] Linkage disequilibrium [218] [175] [169] [159] [148] [110] [61] [55] [51] [46] [40] Ploidy [150] [74] Population structure [225] [216] [203] [182] [169] [165] [163] [149] [132] [129] [102] [95] [54] [39] [31] Private alleles [78] [57] [53] Relatedness [218] [185] [159] [119] [107] [74] [73] [70] [56] [33] Selection Balancing selection [157] [124] [76] Positive selection [157] [134] [127] [57] [48] [46] Purifying selection [157] [105] Time to the most recent common ancestor [227] [210] [207] [198] [195] [194] [170] [166] [154] Classified by type of computational, mathematical, and statistical topicsAnalysis of variation [163]Bayesian and approximate Bayesian inference [219] [167] [124] [96] [86] [76] [49] [46] Birth-death process [179] [140] Clustering and classification [225] [216] [208] [188] [180] [174] [162] [156] [151] [147] [146] [138] [130] [125] [120] [117] [114] [94] [91] [86] [84] [73] [65] [63] [49] [46] [44] [43] [38] [35] [28] [27] Coalescent simulation [179] [154] [144] [140] [134] [100] [72] [61] [60] [57] [48] [45] [42] Coalescent theory [227] [210] [207] [206] [198] [195] [194] [179] [172] [170] [166] [154] [143] [141] [139] [134] [116] [109] [106] [97] [92] [89] [88] [85] [80] [78] [75] [59] [58] [54] [47] [45] [42] [39] [36] [32] [30] Combinatorial identities [135] [129] [111] [68] [41] [29] Combinatorial optimization [130] [43] [27] Consistency of estimators [109] [99] [67] [59] [47] [30] Contingency tables and association [175] [110] [62] [51] [40] [31] Differential equation models [183] [173] Discrete geometry [186] Estimation with the coalescent [57] [49] [42] [34] Expectation-maximization algorithm [95] Fundamental properties of population-genetic statistics [238] [228] [220] [217] [203] [178] [175] [169] [165] [158] [149] [138] [127] [102] [87] [79] [52] [51] [40] [31] Greedy algorithms [108] [43] [27] Imputation [226] [218] [167] [159] [148] [136] [108] [106] [95] [92] [83] [69] [62] [55] Inequalities [228] [220] [217] [203] [189] [187] [182] [178] [169] [165] [158] [149] [143] [132] [129] [127] [109] [103] [102] [87] [79] [75] [52] Lattices [223] [204] Linear algebra [193] [187] Maximum likelihood [167] [95] [90] [79] [67] [42] Moment estimation [74] [70] [56] Multivariate analysis [156] [148] [125] [117] [114] [100] [94] [73] [66] [63] [46] Network theory [225] [205] [174] [170] Pedigree analysis [74] [73] [70] [56] [33] Phylogenetic combinatorics [237] [232] [229] [224] [223] [222] [221] [212] [211] [206] [204] [197] [196] [189] [176] [164] [162] [161] [160] [152] [142] [111] [109] [103] [97] [89] [88] [85] [68] [59] [47] [41] [36] [29] Polynomials [47] [30] Rarefaction [213] [53] [46] [44] [34] Recursions [230] [224] [223] [222] [215] [211] [206] [193] [192] [189] [184] [164] [162] [161] [152] [137] [135] [133] [122] [111] [82] [68] [41] [39] Sampling theory [74] [53] [40] [36] Statistical testing [62] [36] Classified by primary type of articleBook reviews [233] [71]Commentaries [208] [163] Comments on published papers [171] [156] [137] [107] Data analysis [234] [226] [219] [218] [214] [205] [200] [190] [180] [151] [150] [147] [146] [144] [138] [125] [120] [119] [117] [105] [104] [94] [93] [91] [83] [81] [77] [73] [72] [70] [66] [65] [64] [63] [62] [57] [55] [50] [49] [48] [46] [44] [38] [37] [35] [34] [33] [28] [26] Editorials [201] [199] [191] [177] [168] [153] [128] [126] [115] [101] Introductions to edited collections [236] [202] [181] [112] [98] Mathematics, models, and theory [237] [232] [230] [229] [228] [227] [224] [223] [222] [221] [220] [217] [216] [215] [212] [211] [210] [207] [206] [204] [203] [198] [197] [196] [195] [194] [193] [192] [189] [187] [184] [183] [182] [179] [178] [176] [175] [173] [172] [170] [169] [166] [165] [164] [162] [161] [160] [158] [154] [152] [149] [143] [141] [139] [135] [133] [132] [129] [127] [123] [122] [118] [116] [111] [109] [106] [103] [102] [99] [97] [92] [89] [88] [87] [85] [82] [80] [79] [78] [75] [68] [59] [54] [52] [51] [47] [45] [41] [40] [39] [31] [30] [29] [25] Simulation [144] [140] [100] [61] [60] Statistical methodology [238] [225] [213] [208] [186] [185] [174] [167] [159] [148] [136] [134] [124] [108] [96] [95] [90] [76] [74] [67] [56] [42] [36] [27] Review articles [188] [157] [131] [110] [84] [69] [58] [32] Software notes [130] [86] [53] [43] |