Rosenberg lab at Stanford University

Lab member recognitions

The achievements of lab members have been recognized with a variety of awards and fellowships.

External recognition

American Association of Physical Anthropologists Sherwood Washburn Prize
Amy Goldberg (2017)

Achievement Rewards for College Scientists Fellowship from the Northern California Chapter of the ARCS Foundation
Amy Goldberg (2015-2016)

Burroughs Wellcome Fund Travel Award
Mike DeGiorgio (2010)
Zach Szpiech (2010)

FASEB Minority Access to Research Careers Travel Award
Mike DeGiorgio (2009, 2010)

Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowship Honorable Mention
Mike DeGiorgio (2008)

Genetics Society of America Delill Nasser Travel Award
Erkan Buzbas (2009)
Chaolong Wang (2010)

Genetics Society of America James F Crow Early Career Researcher Finalist
Gili Greenbaum (2016)
Amy Goldberg (2018)

Howard Hughes Medical Institute International Student Research Fellowship
Chaolong Wang (2011-2012)

Miller Research Fellowship of the University of California, Berkeley
Amy Goldberg (2017-2019)

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
Amy Goldberg (2012-2015)
Alissa Severson (2016-2019)
Daniel Cotter (2018-2021)
Maike Morrison (2021-2024)
Chloe Shiff (2023-2026)

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Honorable Mention
Mike DeGiorgio (2007)
Laura Helmkamp (2012)
Rohan Mehta (2014)

National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology
Mike DeGiorgio (2011-2013)
Jazlyn Mooney (2021)
Kennedy Agwamba (2024-2027)

Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference Student Poster Award
Maike Morrison (2022)

Swiss National Science Foundation Early Postdoc.Mobility Fellowship
Nicolas Alcala (2015-2017)

Villum Fonden Postdoctoral Programme Fellowship
Lars Andersen (2012-2013)

Recognition at Stanford University

Center for Computational, Evolutionary, and Human Genomics Predoctoral Fellowship
Ethan Jewett (2013-2014)
Amy Goldberg (2016-2017)
Rohan Mehta (2017-2018)
Alissa Severson (2020-2021)
Danny Cotter (2022-2023)
Xiran Liu (2022-2023)

Center for Computational, Evolutionary, and Human Genomics Postdoctoral Fellowship
Olga Kamneva (2013-2014)
Nicolas Alcala (2014-2015)
Bridget Algee-Hewitt (2014-2015)
Lawrence Uricchio (2015-2016)
Jaehee Kim (2016-2017)
Gili Greenbaum (2017-2018)
Jazlyn Mooney (2020-2021)

Center for Computational, Evolutionary, and Human Genomics Trainee Research Grant
Doc Edge and Amy Goldberg (2013-2015)
Bridget Algee-Hewitt (2014-2016)

Deans' Award for Academic Achievement
Alan Aw (2018)

Department of Biology Excellence in Teaching Award
Jonathan Kang (2014)
Rohan Mehta (2015)
Egor Lappo (2021)
Maike Morrison (2022)

Samuel Karlin Prize in Mathematical Biology
Ethan Jewett (2014)
Doc Edge (2016)
Amy Goldberg (2017)
Rohan Mehta (2019)

Stanford Graduate Fellowship
Doc Edge (2012-2015)
Rohan Mehta (2013-2016)
Maike Morrison (2020-2023)
Egor Lappo (2022-2025)
Juan Esteban Rodriguez (2022-2025)
Daniel Bauman (2023-2026)

Stanford/SJSU IRACDA Fellowship
Lawrence Uricchio (2016-2018)

Recognition at the University of Michigan

Bioinformatics Training Grant Graduate Fellowship
Mike DeGiorgio (2007-2009)
Zach Szpiech (2007-2009)

Center for Genetics in Health and Medicine Postdoctoral Fellowship
Mattias Jakobsson (2007-2008)
Trevor Pemberton (2010-2011)

Genome Science Training Program Graduate Fellowship
Jenna VanLiere (2007-2008)
Mike DeGiorgio (2010-2011)
Ethan Jewett (2010-2011)
Zach Szpiech (2010-2012)

Program in Biomedical Sciences Graduate Student Award for Excellence in Research
Mike DeGiorgio (2010)

ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Award Honorable Mention
Mike DeGiorgio (2012)

Rackham Graduate School Merit Fellowship
Mike DeGiorgio (2006-2011)

Rackham Graduate School Predoctoral Fellowship
Lucy Huang (2010-2011)
Chaolong Wang (2011-2012)